OSI Past Conferences
April 6, 2011
Second Annual Conference on Male Studies: Looking Forward
New York Academy of Medicine, New York City
Visit the Foundation for Male Studies website for more details
April 7, 2010
Male Studies Consortium at Wagner College
Wagner College, Staten Island, NY
Visit the Foundation for Male Studies website for more details
May 27, 2009
The Future of Men - Panel Discussion and Breakfast
New York University, Kimball Hall, New York City
September 17, 2008 Why Men Die First & The Decline of the Male
The White Plains Hospital Center, White Plains, New York
April 16, 2003
Preliminary Meeting for the First International Congress on Men's Mental Health
On Step Institute for Mental Health Research, New York City
November 10-12, 2000
Embracing the Paternal Instinct: A Liberatiang Force For Men, Women and Children
Marriott Hotel, Tarrytown, New York
June 6, 1999
Shattering Fictions and Myths in Divorce
Stern Auditorium, Mount Sinai College of Medicine, New York City
Video available
June 6, 1998
After Divorce: Fathers, Mothers, Children and the Law: Where Are We Going?
Stern Auditorium, Mount Sinai College of Medicine, New York City
Video available
For further information on any of these conferences, email OSI at info@onstep.org |