A New Direction.

To that end, beginning in 1996, in furtherance of its commitment to education and finding a path to concinnity OSI sponsored three conferences designed to garner a better understanding of the issues and forces at play. The conferences were based upon a variety of factors including an assessment of client based complaints and concerns. Each subsequent conference was built upon the foundation of information derived from the previous conference. In addition numerous articles and white papers addressing topics germane are presented on this site for review.

The response from peers and leaders within the mental health and educational community as well as from various public policy makers was overwhelmingly encouraging. Many whole-heartedly concurred that there was an apparent and visible lack of concern for, and protocol to deal with, the mental health and educational needs of the male. The result was that the male was being marginalized and adversely impacted.

The scholarly conclusion that because men and women, boys and girls, are ‘equal’ that, that ‘equality’ equated to the male and female being the ‘same’ is ground in a fundamentally flawed hypothesis.

OSI realized that a new and unbiased scholarly understanding of the needs of the male was required to provide both a personal and societal atmosphere where the harmonious adaptation of differences, i.e., a state of acceptance, concinnity, could exist between the genders and thus benefit society as a whole.

The Foundation for Male Studies was born from that realization. The On Step Institute for Mental Health Research, in addition to continuing its basic commitment to mental health research, supports the Foundation for Male Studies and its valuable work in establishing educational initiatives for boys and men.

Visit the Foundation for Male Studies

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